Deanol-DMAE (Di-metilAmino-ethanol)

DMAE is a compound that is known as a mind health compound. It does this by reducing buildup of what is known as the ‘age pigment’, which impairs cognitive function and is implicated in the cognitive decline with age. It can also increase levels of the compound involved with memory, acetylcholine.

It can also protect neurons and other cells from harmful effects of certain types of oxidation by embedding itself in the structure of the cell and acting as an anti-oxidant, as well as sustaining metabolic processes in the body through a process known as ‘methyl donation’.

This substance is used most often for improving alertness and mental clarity. Similar to many other mind or mood-altering substances, DMAE may work by increasing the production of a neurotransmitter. This substance has been studied for its potential to treat attention deficit hyperactive disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease and other conditions.

DMAE is a liquid organic compound that’s naturally produced in the brain; it’s also found in sardines, anchovies, squid and salmon. It is sold in health-food stores as a supplement that enhances brain function and mood.


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