Nancy Haller

Nancy HallerWhether the brain issues are personal or impact people in your life, no one will go through life unscathed. We are surrounded by people dealing with these issues, whether acknowledged or not.

Nancy Haller writes with a unique perspective and clear vantage point of experience in all of these categories. She understands living with brain issues.

She has been living with a brain injury that occurred during a surgery over a decade ago. It was two years before she was diagnosed with Foreign Accent Syndrome and evaluated for her other areas of neurological difficulty.
When her daughters left for college, Nancy entered Lesley University to complete a MA in Somatic Movement Studies. Nancy began to observe being brain tired and the phenomenon of people who are brain tired surrounding her, from her college student daughters to the exhausted public she encountered.

Assessment of brain fog in the lives of her mother, her young adult daughters and herself became evident. Brain fog from anesthesia, hormonal or chemical imbalance affects everyone at some point in their lives and for most it is evident more than once as aging occurs.

Whether personally affected or knowing someone who is having brain issues is common. We live, work and play with people who are experiencing difficulty. Acknowledging and accepting the assistance through this uncharted territory is difficult. Being cared for and being a care taker shifts regularly in Nancy’s life. It was a shock to find herself in the role of being taken care of by her daughters.

Nancy brings her personal observations and simple strategies for People with Brains. This book is an opportunity to begin the conversation personally and with those around you. Finding resources is an ongoing process. She attributes her training in the Feldenkrais Method® as one of her resources in her ability to cope, make necessary lifestyle changes, and heal.


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Nancy Haller

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